S-A-I-L-ing in Music

Behavior Expectations

1. Raise your hand

2. Follow directions

3. Keep your hands and feet to yourself

4. Be kind and respectful to others and the instruments

How to S-A-I-L in music

Stay safe:

1. Sit, stand and move carefully 2. Use instruments carefully

Act respectfully:

1. Treat others kindly 2. Raise your hand to speak

I can do my best:

1. Be a good listener 2. Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself.

Lead together:

1. Follow directions the first time 2. Try everything (Participate!)


1. Having fun and learning ( yippee!)

2. Lots of praise! (Don't we all love it?)

3. Earn a sailing ticket (Look what I got mom!)

4. A special note (or phone call) home (fridge worthy!)


  1. Reminder of the rule. ( we all forget sometimes)
  2. Warning! (yikes, not cool)
  3. "Think Seat" to reflect on better choices and come back and try again when ready.
  4. Parent communication, referral