New Ukuleles!

Thank you to the Lake Center PTO for purchasing a class set of ukuleles for the music room!

The soprano ukulele is a perfect first instrument for students to learn. It is easy, fun, portable and affordable. It is smaller than a guitar and easy for young children to hold. It only has 4 strings made of nylon so it is simpler to play than the 6-stringed guitar. Students think it's COOL to play the ukulele and can achieve immediate success at playing a song. Some benefits to learning an instrument include improved memory, coordination and concentration. It is like a full body workout for the brain! In music class, students will practice and perform a wide repertoire of classical, jazz, folk and pop songs. As students learn fingerings and strum chords, they will collaborate and assist with leading and instructing each other. This will improve social connections and cooperation. Many students today are stressed out and lack confidence in their own abilities. The sweet, melodic sound of the ukulele brings joy and relieves stress in students as they sing along and experience great personal satisfaction.

Check back here for photos of our students rocking out on the ukuleles!

Mrs. Sachwitz Class

Young fives can hold a ukulele correctly and strum a steady beat!